PRACTICING SAFE PARANORMAL: Working With Energy and Spirit Communication

When delving into anything occult, pagan, or supernatural, it is absolutely imperative that those involved practice “safe paranormal.”

First and foremost, it is S.P.I.R.I.T.’s staunch recommendation to NEVER “dabble” with aspects of the occult or supernatural that you do not understand, including and especially the use of Ouija Boards. Our darkest and worst cases have all begun with a young person “fooling around” with a Ouija Board. Just. Don’t. Do it. It is nothing less than your life that you are gambling with.

IF you are going to work with white magic as an earnest and serious apprentice witch, that is a lifestyle choice which we absolutely respect and support – IF you practice Safe Paranormal. To that end, we at S.P.I.R.I.T. have put together this quick reference guide to hopefully help you understand the do’s and don’ts of working with human energy that is charged with intent, which is what witchcraft essentially is. 

There are certain “rules” as it were, when dealing with any type of energy working:

IF you are sincere, in it for the long – term, have a teacher, and are coming from a place of respect and peace, and INSIST on dealing with this type of energy, here are some guidelines that may just help keep you safe. If any of the above are untrue, be advised that you are placing yourself and anyone doing this with you in harm’s way and putting yourself and them at grave risk.


Draw a circle of sea salt around your work area and do NOT leave the circle until closing is complete

Light candles first, if using them

Open by ringing a 7 metal bell – this helps clear the air of intent – the long sound made by the 7 basic elemental metals is calming and unmistakable.

Make your formal Statement of Intent, including any specific spirit (never try to contact a dark spirit)

Offering – usually white or red wine (practitioner drinks)

Write your Statement of Intent out on paper, and then burn the paper in a fireproof bowl.


Statement of closure and say goodbye / farewell.

State out loud that no energies may attach to you or leave the circle under any circumstances.

Close with ringing a 7 metal bell again.
Snuff candles out – do not blow them out

Once cool, bury the ashes of the paper you burnt in earth.

Again, these instructions MAY help protect you when you are working with white magic, or positive intent.

What about the Dark Stuff?

This part cannot be overstated. If you are working with dark energy and ill intent and don’t know exactly what you are doing (and we have no intention of helping you with that here) you are going to bring consequences down on your own head that you don’t want to think about. If you are lucky, you will just have most of your life force energy drained from you and will be sick for a few days to a month. If you are less lucky, you may get yourself a dark attachment that will systematically destroy your relationships, your friendships, your health, even your job and family without spiritual intervention. If you really screw up, you could be possessed or killed. These things are no laughing matter, and they are just waiting for you to take the plunge and contact them without the proper protection. Too many people have had to learn this the hard way. This energy and these entities are incredibly real, and can be incredibly dangerous.

You will notice that when you watch our investigation videos on Maxam Mysteries SPIRIT on YouTube, the same person always uses the SB-11 Spirit Box – no one else is allowed to even touch it. This is because the device is indeed spirit communication. Melissa is a trained Reiki Master and knows how to control the conversation, end it abruptly when necessary, and properly open and close the session. We take spirit communication very very seriously, and so should you.

Maxam Mysteries SPIRIT


Refresher Cleansing & Removal Of Negative Energy Sent By The Living (or dead)


Use this if you are dealing with energy sent by a living human or PK manifestation from a living person. Other instructions apply for general refresher cleansings.

Supply list:

Small white, black and red candles
Incense (Frankincense & Myrrh or Sandalwood) Sage & Palo Santo or Cedar
Holy water or holy oil
Sea salt or Pink Himalayan salt

Begin with opening a few windows and a door or two if you can, to allow any entities or energies to EXIT during the cleansing. Start at the front door and move clockwise through the entire house for each stage of the cleansing.

Light a white, black & red candle together (these are the specific colors for reversal of energy) along with frankincense & myrrh incense asking for light and Divine energy to return around the home and the family. Do Not blow them out. If you must extinguish them for any reason, snuff it with a snuffer or spoon. Blowing it out blows away the energy you are putting into the cleansing. Tell ALL energy that is unjust, harmful, sent in anger or malice immediately be returned to its sender/origin and that no darkness may dwell in the space. Show no anger or fear – simply be firm and assertive that your space is only for positive and light energy. Ask that all earth bound spirits be released and that they have no place in the home. Command all Dark energy sent with ill intent be removed and sent back. With spirits or positive energy, you never “command” … only use that terminology when you are requiring dark, harmful energy to exit your space.

Take Holy Water or oil and anoint each member of the family for protection. Then go to each door and window with the Holy Water and anoint the doorway and windowpane with a small drop of the Holy Water.

Starting at the front door, open it and leave it open during the smudging – go through the entire house, in a clockwise direction, getting into every corner and space (closets and cabinets), with either Palo Santo, Sage or Cedar (any combination thereof). Light the herbs or wood and blow them out to produce a healthy amount of smoke. While you are smudging, continue to set boundaries with the other side and ask for healing light to replace all dark energy, command dark intent to leave and return to sender.

If you are comfortable with any prayers you may add those – or scripture if desired. Psalm 91 is one of the best protection scriptures and the Prayer of St. Michael as well.

Optional – Salt every door threshold and windowsill with Pink Himalayan sea salt or White Sea salt. A small dusting/line is fine. This is always done after the smudge.

Intent is always KEY in these blessings. Even refresher cleansings meant to add protection after a full blessing has been done. Your desire to reclaim your space is always the most powerful, even more so than what anyone else can do.

When it comes to energy sent by a living human out of malice, often more refreshers may be required. As they are still actively sending it … the walls must be kept up ardently.

Reasons Why Gifted People Should Follow Their Abilities

The following document is from a Christian or Catholic perspective and for those with blessings/gifts that struggle with judgements or fears from their faith base. This document was created through extensive discussions and research within the Christian faith community and those with the qualifications to make the analysis below.

The argument of Deuteronomy warning of Wizards, witches and so forth is based on historical facts of that time – discussing those that practice Polytheistic practices (worshiping multiple Gods or themselves); additionally there are warnings of those that swindle or take advantage. What the warnings are about are those that either say they are speaking the Word but are distinctly not or are manipulating others with the hope of profit or personal gain, not a desire to help, heal or speak messages from the Divine or be instruments of peace. The historical reference is clear; it was a different time and society, where there was a great deal of religious upheaval and just as many false prophets or swindlers as in today’s time. Those that did not praise God for messages or prophecies or plain lied to people by giving them “messages” and then essentially robbing them of their money is where the problem was. Other portions of Deuteronomy then go on to speak of Prophets ….

17 The LORD said to me: “What they say is good. 18 I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites, and I will put my words in his mouth. He will tell them everything I command him. 19 I myself will call to account anyone who does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name.

Information I have obtained from a respected ordained minister (theological degrees, Masters in Divinity, etc.) within our denomination had the following to say (paraphrased) regarding me questioning my gifts, and the “why me”, “did God choose me”, “why are people judging me” questions…

Her edited message in part:

Read any of the prophets, and you have biblical affirmation of your gifts. It is arrogant and small-minded for anyone to claim God is not continuing to work through prophets today. Do they really want to claim that they know what God is doing today and say what God can’t do?

1Cor. 12 Paul speaks of the gifts of the spirit and names, utterance of knowledge, wisdom, the gift of prophecy and working miracles, speaking in tongues, interpreting tongues, discerning spirits. Since we worship this same Spirit today, these gifts continue to be bestowed on people today. You are expressing these gifts, given to you by God to serve God. As the UCC say, God is still speaking–through intuition, dreams, visions, “hunches.”

Is. 6–he has a vision that is pretty far out! He saw and spoke to the Seraphim, and was given messages and hope.

Isaiah is full of “oracles” which had to have come from visions and prophetic intuitive sensing.

If Jeremiah could be gifted as a prophet before he was born as a way that God works (Jer. 1:4) why not you? Obviously for reasons we may never know God chooses some to have the gifts you manifest. And yes, there are “false prophets” but in every case, their lies further their own agenda, rather than addressing righteousness and justice. If your knowing furthers love and justice, it is of God, I believe.

The prophets are always saying, “the word of the Lord came to me…” That is what happens to you.

Imagine Ezekiel and the dry bones (Ez. 37) or his vision of the chariot (Ez. 1). You know most people must have thought HE was crazy and possessed!

Then there is Jonah who had the gift and tried to run away from God and not use it.

Consider Samuel’s calling, paranormal by every standard–hearing voices?? (1 Sam. 3)

It is hard to get biblical literates to accept that God still works in these miraculous ways today, but we have different ways to view it because of science and education. You will likely not convince everyone, but hopefully this makes you feel even better and more confident about it in your own soul.

These words from my trusted source who has far more religious and theological knowledge and studies under her belt that most of those people you encounter that will pass snap judgements hopefully are helpful. Those that criticize your choice to follow divine gifts are in fact violating another scripture – ‘Just not lest ye be judged’.

I feel I’d be denying my God if I DIDN’T follow his command to use my gifts. How could I dare question his intent to use me?

I think there are indeed “chosen” people to pass on messages of healing. What we do is offer peace of mind – and strengthening of faith – some of our clients end up realizing there IS a beyond, therefore there is a God & Heaven… that is huge. They realize a lot in that moment, that our souls are real, sin does have consequence, their loved ones do go somewhere Good and are safe, Angels exist, healing is possible, we are NOT ALONE, there is hope. This is what I believe God is calling us to do… pass this hope on to others. Sometimes just hearing from a loved one, or knowing their future is safer and brighter than they originally thought is all they need to continue on and reaffirm their faith in Him. Never once have we inappropriately taken from, used, lied to, mislead a client. We have never touted WE are the source – I know for a fact I’ve always acknowledged that I am not in control of this, that when I’m meant to “tune in”

it is because of pure Divine inspiration and His will. So when people want to question you – perhaps ask them when they were told they could speak on the behalf of God. Nobody has all the answers – but I am sure, deep in my heart, we are doing good works, in His name.

A Few Simple Steps For Staying Safe On The Job: Shielding & Protection For Mediums & Paranormal Investigators


by Sunny Rosario Trujillo, Psychic Medium

The effects of a spiritual attack can linger for months, even years. In fact, things usually get worse if left unaddressed. There is a mountain of documentation within the paranormal community pertaining to cases of evil spirits taking possession of dwellings and the people in them. As a professional psychic medium or paranormal investigator, it is crucial to take steps to protect yourself and your team from the evil, sometimes homicidal entities you encounter on the job.

One notable psychic medium asserts that the famous case in Amityville, New York resulted from a demonic haunting that was allowed to remain in the home. The activity in the home rose to a fever pitch and eventually left the entire DeFeo family dead and son, Ronnie, in prison for life. Although the DeFeo case is extreme, victims in other cases report the decline of physical and mental health, increased financial problems and the destruction of important personal relationships as the result of negative or demonic hauntings. With increased exposure to the paranormal realm comes increased risk of attacks of this nature. As a professional medium or investigator, you must also guard against energy drain that can impact your physical and emotional health.

While this article is written from the standpoint of a psychic medium, it encompasses the whole paranormal investigative community. It is vital to the safety and the success of any medium or investigator to employ simple protective practices in their work. Spirits are known to scratch, push, bite, attach themselves and can influence your thoughts and emotions. They can invade the physical body, causing medical problems in otherwise healthy individuals. In the most extreme cases, evil entities can cause serious bodily injury and even death to victims. As a result, many mediums and greenhorn ghost hunters are chased off of the job when an ornery entity shows up with not-the-nicest of intentions. You’ve beckoned the spirits. They showed up. Now what?

Follow these simple but powerful steps and stay safe on the job:

White Light Meditation

Prior to beginning a reading or entering a location, take 5-10 minutes to complete this easy meditation. Imagine a powerful white light circling your head and moving down the length of your body all the way to your feet. Imagine this light expanding into a bubble or aura of protection that moves with you as you go about your work.

If you are a spiritual or religious person, you can imagine this protective light as a gift from or an extension of your higher power. If you are not religious, it is more than sufficient to imagine this light surrounding you as pure, protective energy and the extension of your own personal power and groundedness.

In addition to adding a layer of protection, you might find that this meditation enhances your readings or investigations. Positive entities are attracted to this vital energy and take comfort in it. It is believed that spirits cannot see man-made light but they can easily see candlelight and the light energy that comes from a warm human aura.

Negative entities, on the other hand, shrink from the light. They prefer dark, dank spaces and are most at home around humans with fearful or depressed energy. Their power is somewhat diminished by the positive energy force generated by the white light meditation.

To take this meditation a step further, imagine a layer of mirrors surrounding you in addition to the white light. The mirrors reflect light back into the world. This allows you to have a powerful, positive influence on the environment while protecting you also from becoming drained or being attacked.

Meditation may seem unnatural if you are not into meditation. It does not have to have a religious or even spiritual connotation to work well. When you become good at it, you can begin your meditation in just a couple of minutes and imagine the light expanding as you go about your work. Continue to focus on the light at times throughout the reading or investigation.


Most mediums show up for work armed with talismans and other tools of the trade to keep them safe. Investigators benefit from talismans, too. If you are a religious person, you may draw from the traditions of your faith in selecting protective items for use in your work. What types of talismans or protective items are used? There are tried-and-true methods within the paranormal community listed below. However, there aren’t really any rules – if the items make you feel safe and boost your confidence in your work, consider them worthy and appropriate. One famous investigator relies on a meaningful tattoo. Before heading out to the neighborhood tattoo shop, check out this list of a few things commonly used by mediums and investigators:

  • Crosses, Religious Medals, Holy Water
  • Medicine bags filled with herbs and stones, used by indigenous people for thousands of years.
  • Stones, like crystals and black tourmaline, used to banish negativity and charge the environment with positive energy.

Show Respect

The old “golden rule” even applies in the spirit world. When engaging in communication with spirits, be respectful. Many paranormal groups use heckling to rouse spirits. While this method is effective in stirring things up, it usually brings about the kind of attention you don’t want. The most responsible para-professionals don’t use heckling for fear of putting their clients into a dangerous situation. In readings, speak to your clients on the other side just as you would during a business conversation on the physical plane. This standard separates the thrill seekers from the true professionals in the paranormal community.

Shutting Down

Friendly spirits are desperate for communication. Evil spirits want to draw energy from you and wreak havoc in your life. Because natural mediums are born with their abilities, it is impossible to shut them off entirely. (Imagine trying to turn your nose off when the trash truck drives by.) In addition to regular home cleanings with sage and salt (and prayer if you are religious) you must shut down communication after every reading.

When your work is done, politely ask the spirits to leave you alone. Be specific. Tell spirits that they are not allowed in your energy field nor are they allowed to follow you home. Be firm in telling them to stay away from your family and pets. Bear in mind, however, that they don’t always go away the first time you ask. Stay alert in the hours and days after an intense reading for signs of spirit attachments. In particular, keep track of your energy level and moods. Practice the white light and mirrors meditations; they work to cleanse your energy field and protect you from spirits seeking to attach. Remember, your work is not necessarily done when you shut down your investigation or leave the office for the day.

Cleaning House

Setting up boundaries around your home and property allows you lead a normal life outside of work as a medium or investigator. Because spirits, good and bad, draw from your vital energy, it is not advisable to allow any spirits to dwell in your home. You must cleanse your home of spiritual energy – including your own – on a regular basis. Living people deposit energy in the places they live and work. In order to truly begin each day anew, you must clear out this type of residual energy, too.

Cleanse the home every 1-2 weeks. (If you do readings for clients in your home, you need to do this more frequently.) To cleanse the home, many professionals burn sage and candles while asking for peace and positive energy to dwell in the home. Place pure sea salt in the corners of each room and at the corners of the property outdoors to keep spirits away when you walk to the car or mow the lawn. Just like talismans, home cleansing rituals tend to be personal. Following the suggested methods of burning sage and scattering salt is a great place start. Develop additional methods on your own based on your spiritual preferences.

If you skip this step, you might find yourself living in a swirling portal of energy where spirits of all kinds run rampant. Energy drain over a period of time can lead to depression and health problems.

Plan for the worst

Any medium or investigator needs to make a plan in case the worst happens during – or after – a reading or investigation. Reach out to your team, a mentor, psychic medium or healer if you sense that your energy field has been compromised. If you are having obvious health problems consult a medical doctor. Stay alert for signs of energy drain, depression or unusual activity at home. Reacting to red flags when they pop up affords a huge advantage in dealing with pesky spirits who trample on your boundaries.

What Not to Do

Never try to cleanse or bless a dwelling or person without permission from your client. Further, do not try to cross over spirits without speaking first with your client. The reason for this is because your job as a medium (or investigator) is to collect information and deliver messages – it is their job to decide what to do about it. If you determine it is a loved one flicking lights off and on or emanating the smell of cigar smoke in the home, your client might want them to stick around. Further, if the entity is evil or demonic, you must make a plan to further diagnose and properly treat the haunting. An off-the-cuff house blessing rarely works in demonic cases and usually just makes things worse.

Following practices to stay safe while working with the spirit realm allows you to continue this important work over time. The most successful mediums and investigators are those who make their own safety and that of their clients a top priority.

By Sunny Rosario Trujillo
Denver, Colorado
Copyright 2014

– See more at:

Metaphysical Glossary:

Agent – A living person who is the focus of poltergeist activity.

Amulet – An object that is thought to bring good luck or have the power to protect from ghosts or spirits and ward off evil.

Apparition – a spectral image of a person that materializes even though a physical body is not present.

Apport – A physical object that can materialize and appear at will in the presence of a medium.

Asport – A physical object that a spirit teleports to another location or makes disappear.

Astral Body – The body that a person occupies during an out-of-body experience.

Astral Plane – A world that is believed to exist above our physical world.

Astral Projection – The intentional act of having the spirit leave the body, whereas an out-of-body experience will happen involuntarily. (See out of body experience).

Astrology – The theory and practice of the positions and aspects of celestial bodies in the belief that they have an influence on the course of natural earthly occurrences and human affairs.

Aura – An invisible emanation of light that seems to surround a person or thing which is often thought to reflect a person’s personality.

Automatic Writing – This method of obtaining information from disembodied spirits is used by mediums in which the spirit takes control over the medium causing them to translate unconscious information on paper without being aware of the contents.

Automatism – An unconscious or involuntary muscular movement caused by spirits.  (See automatic writing)

Autoscopy – The visual hallucination or image of one’s body looking back at themselves from a position outside the body.  (See out of body experience).

Ball Lightning – A rare form of lightning in the shape of a glowing red ball that can last anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes.  Typically associated with Thunderstorms, these spheres are thought to consist of ionized gas.

Banshee – A wailing spirit or “death omen” that will appear to be in two different places at the same time.

Call – A call is the response that is made by a subject during a card-guessing test or during any other type of ESP test.

Card Guessing – Card guessing is used as an experimental test for ESP in which a subject tries to guess the identity of a set of cards.

Case Study – An in-depth investigation of an individual subject.

Channeling – In this modern day method of spirit communication, a spirit will pass information directly to a medium or channeler who will then relay the information on to the listener(s).

Clairaudience – An auditory form of ESP paranormal information is received outside the range of normal perception through voices, whispers and auditory impressions.

Clairsentience – A general term for clairvoyance and clairaudience.  Clairsentience typically occurs in the form of ESP through physical sensations or smells.

Clairvoyance – An acute insight or perceptiveness that enables you to see objects or events that cannot be perceived by the senses in the form of mental imagery and intuition.  (See ESP)

Closed Deck – A set of cards used in a card guessing deck in which each card will appear a fixed number of times.  The statistical analysis obtained from a closed card deck differs from that of an open card deck.  (See Card Guessing).

Cold Reading – This is a technique commonly used by fake mind readers, mediums and magicians which allows them to obtain previously unknown information about a person by asking a general series of statements, questions and answers.

Control – This is a procedure in paranormal psychology that ensures that the experiment is conducted in a standard fashion so that the results will no be influenced by any extraneous factors.

Control Group – A group of outside subjects whose performance or abilities are compared with the experimental subjects.

Collective Apparition – A rare type of sighting in which more than one person sees the same apparition or phenomena.

Crisis Apparition – An apparition that is seen when a person is seriously ill, seriously injured or at the point of death.

Dematerialization – This word is used to describe a spirit or specter meaning to deprive of or lose apparent physical substance or in simpler terms, without flesh.

Déjà vu – An impression or dull familiarity of having seen or experienced something before.

Demon – An inferior deity often spoken of in religious text as pure evil.

Direct Voice Phenomenon (DVP) – An auditory “spirit” voice that is spoken directly to the sitters at a séance.

Dice Test – An experimental test in which a subject attempts to influence the fall of dice.  This study is used for the investigation of psychokinesis.

Doppelganger – An exact spirit double or mirror image of a person which is considered to be very negative.

Earthbound – A term referring to a ghost or spirit that was unable to cross over to the other side at the time of death and is therefore stuck on earth.

Ectoplasm – An immaterial or ethereal substance associated with spirit manifestations.

Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP) – Voices and sounds from beyond that are captured and recorded on magnetic tape.

Elementals – Spiritualists commonly refer to this term to describe mean or angry spirits sometimes also called “Earth Spirits”.

EMF Detector – (See Magnetometer)

Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) – Communication or perception by means other than the physical senses.

Exorcism – The banishment of an entity or entities i.e. spirits, ghosts and demons that is thought to possess or haunt a location or human being or animal. The ritual, which can be religious in nature, is conducted by an exorcist who will call upon a Higher Power to cast away any evil forces that may reside there.

False Awakening – The event in which a person believes they are awake but are actually dreaming.

Ghost – A generic term referring to a form of apparition or supernatural entity which is typically the visual appearance of a deceased human’s spirit soul.

Ghost Hunting – A carefully controlled research project in which various methods and equipment are used to investigate reports of ghosts and hauntings.

Goat – An experiment in which the subject does not believe in the ability for which they are being tested.

Ghoul – Demonic or parasitic entity that feeds upon human remains.

Hallucination – The perception of sights and sounds that are not actually present.

Haunting – Reoccurring ghostly phenomena that returns to a location where no one is physically present. Ghosts generally haunt places and not people.

Hellhound / Black Shuck – A spectral death omen in the form of a ghostly dog.

Hot Reading – A devious or fraudulent reading in which the reader has been given prior knowledge of the sitter.

Hypnosis – A technique that induces a sleep like state in which the subject acts only on external suggestion.

Ignis fatuus – A phosphorescent or spectral light that that is alleged to be an indication of death.  This phenomenon is thought to be caused by spontaneous combustion of gases emitted by rotting organic matter.

Illusion – A delusional perception between what is perceived and what is reality.

Intuition – Non-paranormal knowledge that is gained through a perceptive insight.

Levitation – To lift or raise a physical object in apparent defiance of gravity.

Life Review – A flashback of a person’s life that is typically associated with near-death experiences.

Lucid Dreaming – A dream state in which one is conscious enough to recognize that one is in the dream state and is then able to control dream events.

Magnetometer (EMF, gaussmeter) – An instrument for measuring the magnitude and direction of a magnetic field typically used by paranormal researchers to detect a ghost’s magnetic energy.

Marian Apparitions – The event in which the Virgin Mary is seen.

Materialization – The act of forming something solid from the air. One of the most difficult and impressive materializations is when part or all of a ghost or spirit can be seen, especially if the face is recognizable.

Medium – Someone who professes to be able communicate with spirits on behalf of another living being, acting as a midway point halfway between the worlds of the living and the dead.

Mesmerism – A hypnotic induction of a sleep or trance State (See Hypnotism).

Mist – A Photographed anomaly that appears as a blanket of light.  There is no substantial proof that these are related to paranormal phenomenon.

Motor Automatism – Bodily movement or functions that are accompanied but not controlled by consciousness (See automatic writing).

Near Death Experience (NDE) – An experience that is reported by people who clinically die, or come close to actual death and are revived. These events often include encounters with spirit guides, seeing dead relatives or friends, life review, out-of-body Experiences (OBE), or a moment of decision where they are able to decide or are told to turn back.

Old Hag Syndrome – A nocturnal phenomena that involves a feeling of immobilization, suffocation, odd smells and feelings and is sometimes accompanied my immense fear (See Sleep Paralysis).

Orb – A photographed anomaly that theoretically represents the “spirit” of a deceased person.  It will appear as a ball of light on film though is some cases; they are not seen at the time of the photo.  Since there are many reasonable circumstances (dust, snow, rain, insects, reflection, lens flare, etc.) orbs still remain a highly controversial subject.

Ouija Board – A pre-printed board with letters, numerals, and words used to receive spirit communications. Typically a planchette is employed to spell out words and point out numbers or letters.

Out-of-body experience (OBE) – A sensation or experience in which ones self or spirit travels to a different location than their physical body (See Astral Projection).

Paranormal – Referring to something that is beyond the range of normal human experience or scientific explanation.

Parapsychology – The study of the evidence for psychological phenomena that are inexplicable by science.

Percipient – A person who sees (i.e., perceives) an apparition.

Phantom – Something that is seen, heard, or sensed, but has no physical reality (See Ghost).

Poltergeist – a non-human spirit entity which literally means “noisy ghost” but is usually more malicious and destructive than ghosts of dead human beings. Traditional poltergeists activities are thumping and banging, levitating or the moving of objects, stone throwing and starting fires.  It is thought that poltergeist activity in some instances may be brought on subconsciously by an adolescent agent or females under the age of 25.

Precognition – The ability to predict or have knowledge of something in advance of its occurrence, especially by extrasensory perception (See Clairvoyance).

Psi – A letter in the Greek alphabet that denotes psychic phenomena.

Psychic – A person who is responsive to psychic forces with above average ESP abilities.

Psychokinesis (PK) – The power of the mind to affect matter without physical contact, especially in inanimate and remote objects by the exercise of psychic powers.

Psychometry – The ability or art of divining information about people or events associated with an object solely by touching or being near to it.

Pyrokinesis – The ability to unconsciously control and sometimes in rare cases produce fire with their mind only.

Radio Voice Phenomenon (RVP) – Receiving the voice of a deceased human being through a regular radio.

Reciprocal Apparition – An extremely rare type of spirit phenomenon in which both the agent and percipient are able to see and respond to each other.

Remote Viewing – Used by some psychics, this is a procedure in which the percipient or psychic attempts to become physically aware of the experience of an agent who is at a distant, unknown location through ESP.

Retrocognition – An experience in which a person finds themselves in the past and is able to see and experience events in which they had no prior knowledge.

Séance – A meeting or gathering of people, usually lead by a medium to receive spiritualistic messages, manifestations or communication with the dead.

Shaman – A member of certain tribal societies who acts as a medium between the visible world and an invisible spirit world and who practices magic or sorcery for purposes of healing, divination, and control over natural events.

Sheep – An experiment in which the subject believes in the ability in which they are being tested.

Simulacra – This is a word used to describe the seeing of faces, figures and images in ordinary, everyday object such as rocks, foliage, etc.

Specter – A ghostly apparition; a phantom (See Ghost).

Spiritualism – The belief system that the dead are able to communicate with the living, through an intermediary or medium.

Stigmata – Unexplained bodily marks, sores, or sensations of pain corresponding in location to the crucifixion wounds of Christ.

Subjective Apparitions – Hallucinations of apparitions or other phenomena that are created by our own minds.

Supernatural – Of or relating to existence outside the natural world.  As opposed to paranormal, the term “supernatural” often connotes divine or demonic intervention.

Tarot Cards – A set of (usually 72) cards that include 22 cards representing virtues and vices, death and fortune etc. used by fortunetellers to help predict future events.

Telekinesis – The paranormal movement of objects by scientifically inexplicable means.

Telepathy – Communication from one mind to another through means other than the senses.

Teleportation – A method of transportation in which matter or information is dematerialized, usually instantaneously, at one point and recreated at another.

Thought Form – An apparition produced solely by the power of the human mind.

Trance – A hypnotic, cataleptic, or ecstatic state in which one becomes detached from their physical surroundings.

Vortex – An anomaly that appears as a funnel or rope-like image in photographs.  These images are sometimes thought to represent ghosts, collections of orbs or gateways which travel to a wormhole in time-space.  There has been no substantial scientific evidence to support any of these theories.

White Noise – An Acoustical or electrical noise of which the intensity is the same at all frequencies within a given band.

Zener Cards – A set of 25 cards for use in card-guessing tests of ESP.  Each set contains 5 of each of the following cards:

What Do You Ask?

bandwknowledgebuilders As investigators we need to be looking at every possible reason for unexplained activity. This is a classic Loyd Auerbach article about what to ask that is a good reference to use when determining the origin of unexplained phenomenon.

The following questions are suggested for certain investigations of apparitions, poltergeists, and hauntings. Keep in mind that these questions may have to be chosen according to whether they are applicable to the experience reported and to the family (or office) situation. For these questions, besides some of my own composition, I have drawn on those suggested by William G. Roll and Dr. J. G. Pratt (published in Roll’s book, The Poltergeist, first printed in Theta, the Journal of the Psychical Research Foundation, Number 16, Winter, 1967), and a questionnaire developed by Cynthia Siegel and Sharon Solfvin.

Also, remember to ask the applicable questions not only of the people directly involved (those who actually witnessed something or who live or work in the situations) but also throw them at any secondary witnesses (e.g., neighbors or police or priests) who may have learned what was going on.

INITIAL QUESTIONS (to help determine whether an investigation is warranted)

1. Please give a general description of the occurrences.

2. Please list the names and ages of all those living/working in the situation where the disturbances have taken place.

3. Please list the relationships of all those in household/office to one another (their place in the family in relation to everyone else; positions in the office and works with whom; etc.)

4. Are there any pets?

5. What are the occupations of those in the location who are or have been working?

6. Please give educational background of all those in the location.

7. Where have the occurrences taken place? Address and specific locations within the premises, please. Describe the premises, please.

8. How long have you lived/worked there?

9. Any disturbances noted at previous addresses?

10. When did the current disturbances begin?

11. What sorts of things went on at the beginning?

12. What did you think of them?

13. When was the most recent incident?

14. Would you say the occurrences are frequent? Are they occurring with any apparent regularity?

15. Have the disturbances been increasing in frequency and severity since they first began?

16. Who are those people directly involved? What did they experience? 17. Any witnesses from outside the household/office? Please give their names, occupations, and phone numbers. What did they experience, as far as you know?

18. Is there a pattern of any kind to these disturbances that you’ve noticed (i.e., when the events occurred, what sorts of objects were affected, what locations were involved, who was around at the time, etc.)?

19. Have you looked for ordinary, normal explanations? What makes you sure the events are paranormal?

20. Have you or any of the others involved had any psychic experiences in the past?

21. Have you (or anyone else who witnessed the events) been interested in psychic phenomena for a while? Has family discussed psychic phenomena in the past? If so, in what context?

22. Does anyone involved have a theory as to what may be going on?

23. Have you contacted any “experts”? (Such as, obviously, a parapsychologist, or psychologist, police, priest, rabbi, psychic, etc.)

24. If so, what did/do they have to say?

25. What kinds of books or articles have you read about psychic phenomena or the occult/supernatural/unsolved mysteries?

26. Have you seen films like Ghostbusters, Poltergeist, The Entity, The Amityville Horror, Dreamscape, Resurrection, The Exorcist, The Fury, Carrie, etc.? Which ones?

27. What did you think of them (in terms of how they portrayed psychic experiences/disturbances)?

28. How about others involved? Reading? Films? TV shows?

29. What are your feelings/beliefs regarding psychic phenomena or the spiritual world? Religious background (both family and your present religious status)?

30. Have you ever taken any courses on parapsychology, the occult, or any self-development or psychic development courses? The others?

31. Have you or any of the others ever been to see a psychic?

32. Has there been any publicity of these events? In other words, has the press found out about what’s going on? If so, which members of the media, and how can we contact them? If not, can you be sure there won’t be any publicity (can you keep this quiet… the press tends to disrupt investigations)?

33. What would you like done to help you?

34. Would you allow me and perhaps some colleagues to do a serious investigation of the occurrences in your home/office?

The above questions should give you a good handle on the beliefs, background, and thoughts of at least the person being initially interviewed (which we generally do by phone), and a general idea of what the psi disturbance might be. The answers to these questions will certainly give you enough to decide whether or not to go ahead with an investigation. Again, you might want to ask some of these questions of the others involved, when you get to them. In addition, the background questions in the above group will help you assess the kind of people you’re dealing with.

You also might want to ask everyone involved to fill out the survey in Appendix D, to get a feel for the kinds of experiences they may have had.


These questions will help you narrow down the general patterning of the disturbances/experiences. You could, of course, ask these questions from the start, but you may get a better handle on what’s going on if they are asked when you are actually in the location where the incidents are occurring. In some respects these questions do duplicate some of the aims of the above questions, but it helps to ask some of the same questions in different ways, since by doing so you can often pick up different pieces of the puzzle (in other words, the answers may differ slightly).

1. Have you connected the disturbances with any particular people witnessing or living/working in the location? With any particular visitors?

2. If there is an apparition seen, does the apparition represent anyone identifiable (does anyone know “who” the apparition represents)?

3. Are there particular activities going on when the incidents occur (such as eating, watching TV, arguments, etc.)? Explain.

4. Are there certain times during the day or night when the incidents appear to be more frequent? If so, when are they?

5. Are the events seen to occur more in one spot (or in more than one place) than in others (certain rooms or parts of the room)? Where are these places?

6. Are certain people seemingly more affected than others? Who? What reactions do the people in the situation have when confronted by one of the disturbances?

7. Do all witnesses to the events have to be around for anything to happen? If not, give examples of such incidents where not everyone was around, and who was there.

8. Have any disturbances been noted to occur when no one was around (i.e., has anyone noted the after-effects of a disturbance that may have occurred with no witnesses, perhaps by objects having been moved)?

9. Has any one person appeared to be very close to the starting points of moving objects? Do you think there’s any chance that that person could have physically thrown or pushed the objects to simulate a paranormal event?

10. Is there any reason to think that someone in the home/office might fake the events?

11. Have you thought about normal explanations for some or all of the events? Have you taken note of outside sounds, vibrations, etc. (such as a truck rumbling down the street) when the occurrences happen?

The Phenomena

These questions will help you got a good picture of the actual goings-on. Remember not to jump to any immediate conclusions about the events being paranormal. Always look everywhere for normal explanations for the events, whether considering fraud or problems with the electrical system or earth movements, before making a “paranormal” judgment. Also, I want to say not all of these questions are applicable to any one situation, given that many of them relate to physical disturbances (like those in a poltergeist case) or to a haunting where there may or may not be noises heard or objects affected.

1. Please describe the disturbances/experiences in terms of what you actually observed. (Note: this should be asked of everyone involved, both in separate interviews and later in the presence of all witnesses.)

2. Were there any unusual feelings or emotions associated with the disturbances/experiences?

3. How often do they occur?

4. Who first noticed them? When were they first noticed? Under what circumstances?

5. Please describe the experiences/observations of the others to the best of your knowledge.

6. In terms of movement of objects, describe the movements and what was unusual about them. Did objects seemingly take flight or visibly move by themselves? Were there unusual flight patterns (in other words, did they move like someone had pushed or thrown them, or did they make unusual curves in the air or on a surface, such as making right-angle turns)?

7. Could someone have been near enough to an object to move, push, or throw it, either purposely or by accident?

8. Did objects hit their final resting point with unusual force?

9. Did they make unusually loud noises when they struck something? 10. Were breakable objects seen to move and strike something without breaking?

11. Were heavier objects seen to move or rearrange themselves (such as furniture being piled up, especially in such a way that one person could not have done it)? Describe, please. Were these objects seen in motion, or were they simply discovered in rearranged fashion after had been moved?

12. Has anyone seen an object start its motion? In other words, have there been any witnesses to an object disturbance beginning with the point just before it took flight or began to move?

13. What were the objects affected? Any particular kind of object affected more than others? Any particular single affected more than others? If yes to either one, are any relationships between the object(s) and any of the people in the household/office?

14. Have you noticed any metal objects particularly affected? Bent silverware, for example? If yes, are you certain no one could have had access to the pieces and bent them normally? Any chance that the pieces of metal/silverware could have already been bent through normal use (and that you simply never noticed the bends)?

15. Have there been any unusual electrically related effects? Have appliances, TVs, stereos, lights, or computers been affected? If so, to what extent and how frequently? When any particular person(s) were around?

16. If certain persons were associated with the appliances/ devices, what are their attitudes towards the function of those devices (i.e., if a vacuum cleaner, does the person hate housework? If a computer, does the person dislike computers)?

17. Have there been any occurrences of unusual noises? Have these sounds been found to have a cause connected with them, or have they occurred with no seeming cause? Describe the sounds and why you think them unusual.

18. Have any of the sounds been connected in any way with the movement/disturbance of physical objects?

19. When the others who have witnessed the events had their first experiences, were they aware of previous encounters or observations or experiences by those who first noticed them? What did they know about them, if anything?

20. Have there been instances where one or more persons saw an apparition (ghost)? If yes, please describe what was seen.

21. If nothing was seen, yet you (and others) are sure there is something there (a presence or “entity” or “force”), what makes you so sure?

22. Have voices been heard, either with or without the appearance of an apparitional form? Were attempts made to see if the voices had a (living or mechanical) source?

23. Have unusual smells been noticed? What was unusual about them? Have they appeared at only certain times or only in certain areas? Have they been localized, yet mobile (confined to a specific area in the air, yet that area has been observed to move about)? Were attempts made to find a natural source of the smell?

24. Who has been around in each instance of a visual apparition? Of voices? Of unusual smells?

25. Have you or anyone else gotten unusual feelings in a particular place or at particular times (example, do you sense a “presence” or get “cold chills” under certain conditions/in certain locations)?

26. Has the temperature of the location been affected unusually? Have normal causes been looked at as being behind such effects?

27. Have there been times when apparitions/ghosts, smells, voices, footsteps, or odd noises have been experienced by only some of the people (or just one person) and not by others at the same time? Please describe these instances.

28. Have the images been associated with particular people or events? Have they been associated with particular people who are witnesses to the events or whom you know (example, maybe the ghost is that of your Uncle Harry from Cincinnati)? Were these images connected with the past (the past of the people present or of the house) or with the present (could the images represent living persons or current/future events)?

29. How about the noises or the smells (if present)? Could they be connected with persons not present (living or dead)? Or can they be connected with the house or building (past or present)?

30. Did the witnesses who had the experience of seeing/hearing a ghost know about that person (whom the ghost represents) before the experience?

31. In the case of images seen, did everyone who saw something see the exact same thing, or were there the kinds of differences one would expect if the apparition had been a living person, there in the flesh? (In other words, if one person stood in front of where the apparition appeared, and another behind it, did the people see the figure from the proper perspective [front and back] or not?)

32. Describe the behavior of the apparition(s). Does the apparition repeat the same activity every time it appears? Or does it seem as if it is aware of your presence as well?

33. Is there attempted communication on the part of the apparition? Have you or anyone else who has experienced the apparition tried to communicate with it? Any results (like communications back, reactions on the part of the apparition, changes in behavior of the phenomena, etc.)?

34. Would you say the apparition seems to be one that is conscious or aware of its surroundings, that it is an intelligent “entity”?

35. If not, would you say that the experience might represent a past event repeating itself like a video “instant-replay”?

36. What is known about the house/building? Previous owners? History of the location it stands on?

37. How did you feel just before the experience(s) (physically, mentally, and emotionally)? Any common factors between each of the experiences?

38. How did you feel while the experience was actually happening?

39. How did you feel/react after the experience(s) was completed?

40. Did you discuss the experiences with anyone (witness or not) just after it happened? Describe the discussions.

The above questions should give you a fairly complete picture of the phenomenon itself, what may be going on, paranormally or otherwise. Keep in mind that all witnesses and others connected should be asked their opinions and given the chance to answer all relevant questions, so as to help form that complete picture.

Interactions and Symbols

Given that I (and the folks I interviewed for the “Handbook” section of this book) have talked about looking at the incidents as symbolic of underlying psychological and interpersonal dynamics, more or less viewing the disturbances as dreams come to life (but dreams nonetheless), you should try to pick out the symbolic meaning of the experiences. I have a few suggested questions below, but really one needs to explore the lives of the people involved, the relationships, their history as a family or work group, to get that overall picture of how to deal with the phenomena.

1. Do you see the events as representing any emotions or tensions that you or others may have at the moment?

2. Have there been any changes in the daily routine/ lives of the people involved (such as new job, new, school, divorce, marriage, death of relative or friend, etc.)? If so, what are they? When did they happen in relation to the disturbances?

3. Do you see the way the disturbances/experiences are happening as being symbolic of anyone’s emotional state or thought processes?

4. Are the events perhaps symbolic of any problems that may be going on between people in the affected group (here, not just direct witnesses, but all those with relationship to the people having the experiences)?

5. If you were to pretend this were all happening in a dream, what would you make of it (the “dream,” that is)?

6. Are there any visible problems between the people having the experiences and anyone else?

7. Is anyone particularly tense or frustrated or under some stress? What do you think this may be related to (job, friendships, housework, sexual relationships, school, lack of leisure time, etc.)?

8. What would you say your overall health (both physical and mental) was before the experiences began?

9. What would you say your overall health (both physical and mental) has been since the disturbances started?

10. Are you taking any medication or non-prescription drugs? What are they?

11. Are you drinking alcohol, drinks with caffeine, or taking in a lot of sugar, or smoking tobacco? Which one(s), and how much?

12. Was there any change in your diet or use of the above substances before the initial experiences?

13. Has there been any change in your diet or use of the above substances since the disturbances began?

14. Are you or any of the others currently under the care of a doctor or psychological counselor/therapist?

15. Do you practice: yoga, meditation, self-hypnosis, biofeedback, relaxation exercises, or physical exercises?

16. Would you be willing to work on any social, psychological, or physical problems that may be related to the incidence of the disturbances?

17. Would you be willing to see a counselor, therapist, or doctor if that is the most positive way to help deal with the experiences?

18. Are you interested in participating in future parapsychological research, or in learning more about the field?

There you have it. If you apply these questions to the experience and ask the appropriate ones of all involved, you should have an excellent idea of what may be going on, not only as far as potential paranormal events are concerned, but also as far as the underlying problems are concerned.

I mentioned earlier that Gertrude Schmeidler and Thelma Moss came up with a way to help understand what may be going on in haunting cases (whether there’s an apparition or not): that is, to have a group of psi sensitives each give independent assessments of what they think is going on. They came up with a list of activities and adjectives to help pin down the apparition/haunting. The use of this checklist, which I have added to, is appropriate for everyone involved in the situation, whether witnesses to phenomena or not. One can take all independent lists and see if the perceptions of what is going on are similar or not.

The list was first published in the Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research (Volume 62, October 1968) in an article entitled “Quantitative Investigation of a ‘Haunted House’ with Sensitives and a Control Group.”

In addition to the above list, you might add a few more descriptive adjectives that relate to the activities the images or presences or ghosts are carrying out, or to the accompanying emotions or behavior.

Also, you may ask all to take down physical descriptions of sights, sounds, smells, and their own feelings.

Instructions: Circle those descriptive terms that seem to relate to the ghost’s activity or intent. Cross out any terms that are opposite to what you think relates to the ghost or presence. Those terms that are not applicable you can just leave alone.

Annoying someone
Attacking someone
Building something
Cold/nonfeeling Compassionate/warm
Cooking something Communicating
Floating above the ground
Flying in the air
Gesturing in a specific way
Getting rid of someone/something Happy
Harassing someone
Helping someone
Hiding himself
Insulting someone
Lying down
Obnoxious Pacing restlessly
Peering around Playful
Playing a musical instrument
Playing a game
Protective (of someone or something)
Pursuing someone
Puttering around
Repairing something Resting
Searching for someone or something
Standing up
Stealing something
Threatening someone
Walking/moving in a definite direction Wandering aimlessly



Article by Brent L. George

What is an incubus? What is a succubus? Are they real, or the stuff of fantasy and science fiction? Where do they come from? What do they want with humanity?

As paranormal investigators, we have only seen a small handful of cases that may even possibly have been what is known as an incubus. They are exceedingly rare. Such cases DO happen, though. The most famous and well-documented case was the 1974 case of Doris Bither in Culver City, California, who was repeatedly raped by an unknown force. A local university even investigated the case. The case was the basis for the 1978 novel “The Entity” which was later released as a major motion picture.

So what are these things? There is to this date a lot of debate about that question. Most people who acknowledge their existence seem to agree that they are demonic in nature. An incubus is loosely defined as a male spirit who engages in sexual intercourse with a woman. The plural of incubus is incubi. A succubus, then, is a female spirit who has sexual intercourse with a man. The plural of succubus is succubi. There is some evidence to suggest that same-sex incubus and succubus encounters also take place.

These sexual encounters most typically take place just as a person is falling asleep, or right after they are awakened, often in the middle of the night. However, they can happen at any time, even in broad daylight, as was seen in the Doris Bither case.

The stuff of fantasy and science fiction?  Hardly. These types of entities have been reported since the 10th Century A.D. and even before that. Those ancient claims before the Dark Ages are the same as the claims today: unseen entities that force themselves upon the living at bedtime and engage in full penetrative intercourse with their bodies, either against their will, or consensually.

Consensually?  You mean someone might have sex with one of these things of their own free will, even inviting it? Again yes, and history is littered with examples of this — most pointedly witches burned at the stake for “wanton fornication with devils.” Indeed, sex with demonic spirits was one of the most common charges during the Salem Witch Trials.

S.P.I.R.I.T investigated a case in which a young woman became detached from her family and her responsibilities, instead locking herself in her room for hours at a time talking to and apparently engaging in prolonged consensual intercourse with the entity.

As a lifelong student of the paranormal (and having grown up in an extremely haunted house) I have personally researched and studied the question of the incubi and succubi for decades. I have come to the inescapable conclusion that these entities are very very real, and potentially harmful. Attempting to summon one will ALWAYS end in disaster, ESPECIALLY using a Ouija Board. That is like feeding yourself to a pool of starving man-eating sharks. Long-term consensual cases are rare and can be very dangerous.

The toughest cases to document are of course the rare consensual cases – people just don’t report that they are getting it on with a demon on a regular basis. The question doesn’t crop up at the office water cooler. So why would anyone consent to such a thing in the first place? Surely only people who have problems with social interactions with other people would even consider such a thing. Again, no. The truth is, Lucy Liu, Anna Nicole Smith, even porn stars have all publicly admitted to ongoing sexual relations with amorous spirits. When asked why, the answer is always the same: sex with these spirits is ridiculously pleasurable, as they have the ability to manipulate our bodies in ways that a human may not be able to.

How dangerous is it? There has been a lot of debate about that question. An ongoing sexual relationship with an entity is essentially a personal choice, and one assumes the risks involved, just as in any other relationship. You can’t get a disease from a spirit, and you’re not going to get pregnant (believe it or not, there is some debate in paranormal communities about this last point). However, it is very important to understand why an entity would want to engage in sexual acts with a living human body. The answer is very simple: life force and metabolic energy. Sure, it is pleasurable for them (the spirits) as well, but the end game is that during the sex act they can and every single time will take some of your life force energy. This energy is eventually replaced by your body’s metabolism and heart, but losing too much of it at one time could leave you weakened enough to catch a flu or just simply be completely exhausted.

Some people claim that sex with an incubus or succubus steals pieces of your soul, the more religious folks among us typically suggest that there are afterlife repercussions to sex with these entities. An online forum I once read made the more ludicrous suggestion that each consensual encounter with an incubus or succubus is a month in Hell. Seems everyone has an opinion about this.     

Like any other relationship, a willing and consensual sexual relationship with a spirit most likely boils down to making smart choices — practice safe paranormal, people!

The more disturbing element is the other half of all of this — forcible rape and sexual attack by a spirit. Not okay in any realm, and we need to know how to combat and stop such attacks. It’s part of what we aim to be able to do as paranormal investigators.

Understanding the Incubi and Succubi

In order to figure out how to stop an unwanted forcible incubus or succubus attack, we have to first gain a better understanding of what these entities are, and where they come from.

According to some occult texts, the incubi and succubi were the demonic offspring of Lilith and Lucifer, essentially Hell’s equivalent of Adam and Eve. This is of course assuming you believe in such things as Hell and the Devil. There is a distinction here – these are not ordinary demons. The demons are the Legion of angels who fell from Heaven and followed Lucifer to create Hell in the Book of Genesis in the Bible. The incubi and the succubi are different — they are the specific offspring of Lucifer and Lilith. Some esoteric texts differ on the question of how many of these incubi and succubi were created, but the general consensus in such circles puts the number at between 10,000 – 20,000 of them. Considering that Legion is supposedly a force that numbers in the millions, we are talking about entities that are pretty sparse in number by comparison. Most stories agree that Lilith was placed in charge of the incubi and succubi — some texts have her expelling them from Hell as outcasts, other texts (and this is the more common story) have her sending them out into the Earth to cause havoc and tempt humans into sin.

Then it gets even more complicated — there was a division amongst the incubi and the succubi themselves — upon being sent upon the Earth to do as they pleased, roughly half of them fell in love with humanity and decided to ally themselves with those humans who would listen. The rewards of this alliance were obvious — the human who accepts gets a demonic bodyguard for life, and mind blowing sex on a regular basis. The demon gets an endless supply of human life force energy, which to them is like filling up on High Octane Premium Unleaded Fuel.

The other half of these entities viewed humans as pathetic creatures undeserving of their mutual respect and love. This half of the incubi and succubi swore opposition to humanity, vowing to take as they please through forcible rape and physical assault on all but defenseless humans. This placed the “good” incubi and succubi in the awkward position of having to defend their willing human hosts against their own kind, which is where the situation essentially stands today.

The math works – a population of 7 billion humans affected by a spirit population of 20,000 at the maximum — the chances of running into an incubus or a succubus, whether friendly or evil (the word “evil” here simply means with intent to do harm to humanity, for the sake of the conversation) in one human lifetime, especially in the modern world, is low. It just doesn’t happen that often. When it does, the experience can range from a positive, almost religious experience to the most terrified a person has ever been in their life. Again, attempting to summon one of these entities will likely attract the wrong kind, and you’ll end up terrified and under constant attack.


How to Fight an Incubus or a Succubus    

Armed with this information, we can form a strategy in fighting off incubus and succubus attacks, then.

• Consent is Everything

The first key here is consent. Any willing consent or inviting the entity back, whether the entity is forcible or not, instantly undoes any cleansing or banishing, even the most impenetrable voodoo cleansing. It simply is not worth the paranormal investigator’s time to try to combat an entity who is being given the All Access Pass as soon as they (the investigators) leave a client’s home.

• They Are a Different Class of Demon – Holy Water May Have No Effect

The incubi and succubi were not created the same was as full-on demons (attack by a full demon is super rare and is noted by the presence of possession – incubi and succubi typically do not possess their hosts, as this is counterproductive to syphoning the host’s energy for fuel). They are offspring of fallen angels, as such many believe they are less affected by religious symbols such as a crucifix or Holy Water. Indeed, there are many documented cases of snickering and laughter as a priest attempted to confront an incubus with such methods. These methods will not hurt anything during a cleansing, but the informed investigator should be aware that they do not typically work on incubi and succubi. What you want are sealants that reinforce the client’s desire to be rid of the entity – lines in the sand that tell the entity it is not wanted and not invited — red brick dust, black salt, tar water, lines of powdered sage and pure sea salt (especially a mix of sea salt and sage). Smudging can be very effective. Incubi and succubi also seem to hate sandalwood, cedar, and Palo Santo wood smoke. They LIKE incenses that smell good; spreading frankincense and myrrh around is therefore usually less effective – burn smudges that smell bad to them, and again, cedar, Palo Santo wood, and sandalwood in particular seem to irritate them.


Above all else, it is the client who has the ultimate power over the unwanted entity. Using the above methods — especially smudging and salt / sage lines – while the client participates in the cleansing and tells it “No more! I didn’t invite you here and I sever any tie you have formed with me or this house! I reject you and banish you from this house and from my life!” You get the idea….

• Sometimes They Come Back

Even if a cleansing (this should really be thought of as a banishing) goes perfectly, it is probably going to try to come back. It may attack in the form of sexual dreams. There is no easy way to combat this, but there are a few tricks that might help. Before the client goes to sleep, he or she should say aloud “I am alone and I am protected!” Have the client envision themselves surrounded by white light. Draw a circle of a powdered sage / sea salt mix around the bed, stating that nothing may enter the circle. Have the client meditate before bed and tell him or herself that if a sexual dream begins they will wake up. Anchoring the bed the way one would anchor a property may help. Incidentally, if an incubus or succubus ever shows / has shown itself in its true form to the client, it cannot appear in a dream as a human being. In the end, the client has to stay steadfast in telling the incubus or succubus to get out — it is not going to break the person’s will. The idea here is to sever all ties to the entity and give it the idea that it has been handed it’s walking papers and the client is not ever going to be worth its trouble. As a last resort, a period of total and steadfast abstinence from any sexual activity will likely cause the entity to lose interest and go away. This of course can be temporary, until the entity seems gone for good.

• Remember – It Wants You to Give In

A powerful incubus or succubus can take by force, as in the Doris Bither case. What it really wants though is your surrender – incubi and succubi want your energy, and getting you to give it willingly makes it a hundred times easier for them to take it. Refuse them every single time, and the attacks will stop when it figures out there are easier prey.

In my personal opinion, the reason the Doris Bither case went on so long (over a decade) could have been that she may have periodically been giving in to it. One such “weak moment” is all the encouragement the entity needs to hang around.


The incubi and succubi are ages old, very real and are among us, and from a paranormal study point of view, fascinating. They are completely invisible and often do not show up on most common paranormal investigation equipment. They are the least written about type of entity, and the most poorly understood. The Doris Bither case is the only known footage of a human engaging in sexual intercourse with a demon (against her will) but if one believes the anecdotal evidence, it happens more frequently than one could ever imagine.

Some have postulated that the incubi and the succubi are the original inspiration for the Vampire mythology. This investigator has personally seen numerous online testimonies claiming these entities destroyed lives, marriages, and families. I have also seen some testimonies claiming that a demon lover can be the most incredible experience of a person’s life.

No matter what any of the forums you may find online say (bad or good), the bottom line is, if you feel victimized, bullied, or forced into interaction with one of these entities, if it hurts you or scares you — you have the right and obligation to say NO and use the very effective methods listed above to regain your life. This is no different than if a living human was trying to force you into sexual acts, you wouldn’t find that acceptable – this is not either.

If you are being attacked, take control, set the boundaries, you do not have to live like this. There is no reason to accept being forced into sexual attacks; with the spirit realm or otherwise. You have the ability to reclaim your space.

 It is not understood whether ghosts (the spirits of deceased humans) can have sex with the living the way an incubus or a succubus can, though most would tend to think not. What is unanimously understood is that these entities are very powerful, much more so than any formerly human spirit, and any spiritual warfare with them will likely be primarily psychological warfare — for it is our very essence and cooperation that they desire the most. They know something we sometimes forget — that ultimately WE have the power to deal with them. Perhaps that understanding will lead paranormal investigators to one day capture convincing proof of the incubi and the succubi.

Ways To Properly Cleanse And Bless Your Home


Some of the ingredients/tools you will want to purchase/have on hand are:
  •   White Sage (wands and/or loose leaf)
  •   Palo Santo wood sticks (to be shaved into small burnable pieces or pre-shaved bits)
  •   Lighter for sage & wood
  •   Abalone shell to place sage and wood in
  •   Holy Water or Holy Oil (try to search for a very reputable source such as Lourdes – see end of article regarding where to obtain – the water direct from the grotto in Lourdes, France has been used for many years and has been involved with healings and miracles – the first one was documented in 1858)
  •   Frankincense and Myrrh incense sticks (and a holder)
  •   Bible (or other religious text that suits your needs/copies of specific prayers or scriptures that fit your belief system). (Psalm 91, 23, 27:1, Isaiah 41:10, and the prayer of St. Michael are all very good).
  •   Small white candles (and holder)
  •   Crystals – metaphysical properties have been greatly studied in the last few decades and specific vibrational properties and the chemical makeup of numerous stones have been shown to be highly effective in changing the overall energy of a location. Each stone carries its own specific energy signature coming from the geological processes which created it. Just as an improper balance of electromagnetic energy in a home can cause sickness, confusion, etc. (scientifically studied and verified) – the stones can balance those energy fluxes.
Some stones to be buried on the four corners outside of the home, and some to keep on your person or near your bedside:

  For “Gridding” the property – bury a full set of these four stones on the corners of your home, if an apartment, place them in small bags in the four main corners of your residence. Use SMALL pieces – you can buy these rocks in larger pieces and break them with a hammer – or some can be found already in small chunks:

  WHITE aragonite (may have to be ordered online if you cannot find a piece in rock/mineral shop (must be the white kind).

  •   Selenite (wands/shards usually can be found easily and broken up into smaller pieces for gridding).
  •   Jet (search online and rock shops) (can switch out for small pieces of Black Tourmaline as well).
  •   Rose Quartz.
  •   For yourself – carry in your pocket, purse, set on your night stand: Black Tourmaline (Very protective stone, my favorite, transmutes negative energy into positive & light) (I carry it on every investigation).  Selenite (cleanses the aura and dispels the negative).
Optional stones:  Tigers Eye

 Any other stone you find that feels good and the metaphysical properties match your needs at that specific time.

Sea salt (lots of it) or pink Himalayan salt  Items that you may not need/be able to find but a reputable cleanser may use/have on them during an investigation or house blessing may be: Red brick dust, Tar Water, holy/blessed medals, etc.Once you’ve assembled your items, get everything laid out (a kitchen table or counter is usually great, with plenty of room to work with.).

INTENT is KEY in ALL blessings/cleansings. Whether we as a team come and assist you with it, or you do this yourself, YOU CAN do this – because it is your home. Your intent to reclaim and keep it as your space and your intent of coming from a good place of love and light mean everything to the success of a cleansing. If you are angry, yelling, or excessively fearful, you can undermine the process. Some natural base level fear and being upset is normal, and perfectly ok, allow those emotions – but do not consume yourself with them. Focus on the fact you are doing something GOOD and proactive for yourself, your family and your home. Know that with good intent – YOU can work miracles.

Start with blessing each occupant present with a sprinkle of holy water on the head or draw a cross upon the forehead with water or holy oil. Or say a prayer that fits your needs and bless with sage or incense. Once you feel you are in a safe bubble of white light and blessed, you may commence the house cleansing. Before and After, you also may waft sage around the entire body of each person, clearing their aura.

Begin with opening a few windows and a door or two if you can, to allow any entities or energies to EXIT during the cleansing. Start at the front door and move clockwise through the entire house for each stage of the cleansing.

Light one white candle in the home and let it burn all the way down. Do Not blow it out. If you must extinguish it for any reason, snuff it with a snuffer or spoon. Blowing it out blows away the energy you are putting into the cleansing. Light the incense near the candle and allow it to burn down as well.

Take holy oil or holy water and on EACH doorway and window opening, place the sign of the cross on the door and window frames. Also sprinkle/splash holy water in each corner of each room. While doing this, you are stating that this is your home, your space, and it is blessed in His name (or that of your higher power/deity).

Once each room is properly blessed with the holy oil or holy water, you may then assemble the sage and Palo Santo wood. If you have a sage wand, you can start with that – again at the front door going clockwise through the house – getting into EVERY corner, every closet, every cabinet, attic openings, all the while claiming the space, saying prayers and scriptures. If you have sage pieces you may combine them with the shavings of Palo Santo in the abalone shell and light them – blow them out so the smoke wafts. If you did the sage separately, follow up with the Palo Santo wood in the same exact fashion, getting the smoke into every corner, nook & cranny of the home you can reach – with prayers, good intent and claiming the home. (“This is my home, my family’s home, my space, only Good energy and love is welcome here, I cast out all negative energy, you do not belong here, only Angels and light may dwell in this place”… etc… fit it to your needs and what feels good to your heart).

After that has been done, go through the home with the sea salt and sprinkle a light amount in every windowsill and every doorway, sealing the home. You may also sprinkle a light border all the way around the entire outside of your home if you have a large amount of activity or suspect the land is involved with the haunting.

When outside – take the crystals mentioned earlier and bury a set of the 4 stones on the 4 corners of your home. If you have additional odd corners of the house, you may also place a set of the 4 stones there. It is also helpful to place something of yourself in those burial spots if you can – even a petal from a flower you grew. Some herbs that are also good would be lavender, rosemary, or sage leaves. It is not mandatory, but it adds to the process. This placing of the stones grids the property in an energy bubble that is very repulsive to negative energies, and they become sealed out of the house.

Once you’ve completed the tasks above, you may still have the candle still going, which is fine, and will finish the process (let the candle go out by itself if possible – the sage may now be extinguished).

During this whole process you may say the prayers, the casting out and space claiming mantra, all at your comfort level. Again, intent is key.

If your land is affected, consider burying stones at the four corners of the property line as well – in addition to the house. Also consider having the land blessed by a shaman or Native American tribe member of some kind – if your land has Native American ties.

It is important that the family work together as a TEAM and face this bravely together, knowing they are very loved and protected by a Divine source. You are not alone.

What a paranormal team or medium/cleanser can add to the process:
  •   A medium that can cross over lost spirits – they may not be negative, just confused. Mediums can also communicate with familial spirts that may be there protecting you or offering a message.
  •   Gifted energy workers to close a portal that may exist in your home (the average homeowner does not necessarily have the experience to close a portal).
  •   Extra cleansing tools that are not “typical” and from other spiritual practices (Voodoo, Wicca, Roman Catholic blessed items, special Native American only items, etc.)
  •   Investigative tools to gather and document specific activity and evidence.
Considerations to take:
  •   Most paranormal teams have day jobs and their immediate availability can be a factor; having the tools on hand for yourself gives you the time and ability to claim the space yourself.
  •   Travel time for teams/expense could prevent a quick turnaround time.
  •   Do full research on the team you plan to have in – Do they have a medium? What experience do they have in house blessings? What are their qualifications?
  •   Do they charge? Or do they run only on donations and their desire to help the public?Whether you invite a team in to your home, or you bless the home yourself, this may be a process that has to be repeated a time or two, or be kept up like “housework.” Maybe you do not have to do the ritual full-time, but occasionally saging or using the Palo Santo wood to refresh the energy and spiritual borders is always a good idea. Keeping daily meditations or prayers in your life is also very helpful in maintaining those energy borders. You may salt your home and property as often as you like as well. Any time you feel things are becoming too heavy, it’s time to break out at least the sage & Palo Santo wood to lighten the air.


Every haunt is different and sometimes you have to tailor a blessing. Some items you may need to do more of, or less of. Adding religious or spiritual items to the home and coming back to your specific faith can often restore some balance in your life and home. On occasion, repeats of full blessings have been necessary. Additionally, keeping up a routine of monthly saging or burning Palo Santo wood is a great idea, and will help to keep up the positivity and lightness in a location. Not all haunts will require a full- on multi-faceted cleansing as described above. Consulting with a local paranormal investigation team might be helpful in guiding you as to what could be required for your situation. New homes with decent energy may only need a gentle dose of sage to refresh the space.

Also, avoiding oujia boards, darker practices or unsafe paranormal dabbling is highly advisable. Anything with a negative intent or desire to harm, hex, curse, or hurt will usually bring back severe karmic results to the individual doing the activity. Using extra spiritual practices to cleanse a home is fine – if you are of a different practice or religion, that still works equally well. We like to combine 4 – 5 spiritual practices to combat things from EVERY angle. It’s when the person takes a route of harm and ill will that usually darker things emerge and portals open. Or when the impressionable and inexperienced dabble and do not practice “safe paranormal” – various dangerous things can and do occur. When in doubt, just don’t do it.

Some cases require further intervention beyond that of a paranormal team. Adding mediums, shaman, spiritualists and other religious practitioners can be very effective. The Catholic Church has to be brought in for some exceedingly rare cases, especially for a full Rite of Exorcism. Expecting one cleansing by one team to fix it all can be an unreasonable expectation for many cases. Always remember to keep up your faith and spiritual boundaries, and keep your intent positive while a team or you as an individual cleanses the home.

**This is a compilation of techniques tried, tested and successfully used in a number of cases by Sacramento Paranormal Intuitive Research Investigation Team “S.P.I.R.I.T.” – and the Lead Medium, Melissa Lockett**

We are not official exorcists, but we do have extensive knowledge and experience with dark cases, “demonics,” and are well-read in various areas of paranormal activity and paranormal attacks. The Catholic Church usually only becomes involved in proven fully demonic cases where a major Rite of Exorcism is required. Standard day to day churches will likely not have the knowledge base you require when experiencing something very traumatic such as a severe haunting or negative entity attack. Regular practice & attendance in your local spiritual or religious community of choice will add to your protection, confidence and faith, and that should definitely be kept up if you are already doing so. Only you know if your local community or pastor would be able to assist you beyond that of what a paranormal team offers.

Places to find supplies – Local metaphysical and rock/mineral shops, or Wiccan stores

  • –  Local shops are where you will find most of the crystals/stones – you can also search online via Google for each of the stones. is an example of one such site.
  • – White+Aragonite (buy a chunk of white aragonite and place it in a towel and break down with a hammer).
  • – Selenite (Selenite can be found in reasonably priced small wands that can be broken down)
  • –  Jet can be found on Etsy as well, and on a lot of other websites, or in metaphysical shops. Look around, there are GOOD deals, it just takes some searching. Again, you can also use Black Tourmaline in place of jet.
  • –  Rose quartz is readily available at most shops and all over the has a great deal of the products as well. Holy Oil Indio-Products-Holy-Oil Palo-Santo-20-Sticks-4-5oz Govinda-Palo-Santo-Wood-Chips direct from Lourdes is a great place to obtain the holy water that is direct from the grotto in Lourdes, France.

For additional help and information, please feel free to contact us!

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What Are Shadow People And How to Get Rid Of Them


Mysterious cases of shadow people are a common report that paranormal investigators investigate. During their investigations, they have seen and documented this phenomenon first-hand many times. These shadow people or shadow figures typically move very quickly and are not associated with anyone or anything visible.

Typical reports are that the shadow figure (also called a dark mass) is seen through the viewer’s peripheral vision and by the time the viewer has turned around to look at the shadow figure, it is gone. If you are lucky enough, you may be able to view one with your direct vision – and some simply lurk instead of moving very quickly.

Types of Shadow Figures

From experience, these are the most unnerving shadow figure to behold. These shadow figures literally crawl along the floor, up the walls, or along the ceiling. As with any shadow figures they can move slowly or deliberately to extremely fast. Many assume these are evil creatures, but we cannot state this because we like to look at intent before one is classified as evil or harmless. 

Dark Mass
We term another group as a dark mass as it has no discernible form. They can vary in size and shape and often move slower than shadow figures or creepers.

Dark Mist
This is exactly as it sounds; a dark and smoky feature is present. Many are accustomed to the white or gray mists captured on photos; this is a cousin of those features. These mists allow some light to pass through and move as if it had a purpose.


The stereotype is that shadow figures flee in the presence of humans – especially if they are seen. Investigators have encountered this, but have also encountered many shadow figures that do not flee, but come closer to check them out. They have experienced shadow figures who want to be seen. Shadow figures can move through walls or any other obstacles – they are not bound by physical limitations that we encounter. Often their movement is described as unnatural – they can be very fast and disjointed. They can move naturally then appear to quickly transport to another location within the environment.

As for the actual shadow figure, it seems to be made of a dense energy that is impenetrable to light. From our own experience light seems to be absorbed in the black mass and it will not shine through the figure. The light does not reflect either – the beam of light just stops on the figure. There is one common element to shadow figures; they have no discernible features (except for shape). One cannot recognize style of clothing and there is no discernible mouth, nose, facial expressions, or eyes (although a growing number of reports claim red eyes).

Many believe that shadow figures are demonic or evil. While some may have ill-intention, most of them, if not the majority are harmless. They just are a different representation of a spirit than most associate with the paranormal. Most people know apparitions, balls of light, vortices, and paranormal mists. These entities are able to project in a different “format”.  Since most people confuse the feeling of evil with their own fear of the unknown, most assume that these figures are evil.

No one really understands the science behind dark masses and shadow people. It is theorized that this phenomenon represents a body composed of a matter that is not visible to the human eye. Light will not pass through this figure because it is too dense and the result will create a shadow.

Human eyes cannot see x-rays and gamma rays, but yet they exist. We have been conditioned in life to think that we must see something in order for it to be true. Belief is that these entities are in a frequency that our human eyes are not capable of seeing – but they are there! In other words our eyes and brains cannot fathom the picture that is painted and the brain finishes the image for us showing us something is there.

While we are confident that most shadow figures are harmless, we also know that some can be a bit nasty. As in all paranormal entities, their personalities vary – just like living humans. Spirits keep the same personality they had while alive – so if someone was a mass-murdering creep, odds are they would be a nasty spirit. Until the spirit enters the light, they will retain any emotional and physical baggage with them.

Let’s say that they are real… What are they? Theories include: ghosts, inter-dimensional beings, time travellers and demons. And like the exterminator example, each would be dealt with in a different manner.

If they are interdimensional beings or time travellers, there may not be much we can do to get rid of them because they would presumably have their own agendas and reasons for showing up. Why would they leave just because we wanted them to? Who knows what they’re up to, if anything? I should add that these two possibilities are rather remote.

Possible Alternatives

As with all paranormal claims, one must be careful in not mistaking alternative explanations as a paranormal entity. If one thinks their home is haunted – every little thing becomes magnified and everything becomes paranormal in their mind.

If you think you saw a shadow figure with the corner of your eye, look to rule out other scenarios first. Could headlights from a passing car create a shadow from a piece of furniture? If you spotted something – concentrate on the area and see what happens if another car passes.

Some alternative explanations for shadow figures range from tricks of the eye with normal light play to optical illusions. If you ask a doctor or skeptic they may tell you that shadow figures can be caused by ocular distortions or floaters within the vitreous fluid of the eyes. Some alternative explanations include:

Pareidolia: Our peripheral vision is linked to an area of the brain that senses and recognizes patterns. It provides less detail than macular vision, which is within your direct line of sight. This can create a condition called pareidolia, which is when the brain incorrectly interprets natural patterns of light and shadow or texture as familiar patterns, such as faces and human figures. This is similar to a term we refer to as matrixing.

Hypnagogia: This is a medically-documented condition in which a person is between being conscious and asleep. During this condition, a person can be both aware of their surroundings and in a dream-like state where images from their subconscious are added.

Chemical-induced Hallucinations: The use of both prescribed medications and narcotics can produce hallucinations with shadow-people.

Abnormally High Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs): When people who are sensitive to EMF levels are subjected to high amounts, their brain can create auditory and visual hallucinations. We also believe however, that high EMF’s can provide an energy source for legitimate paranormal entities.

Neurological Conditions: Some people with diagnosed neurological conditions can have hallucinations of shadow figures.

If you determine that your shadow person really is just ordinary shadows… adjust your lighting.

If you just know that it is a real event not one induced by drugs or by being crazy, here are some steps to take to confront the unwanted entities.

Most researchers suspect that shadow people, if they are really there, are a manifestation of a ghost or haunting. If it’s a residual haunting — a non-intelligent “recording” on the environment — one way to possibly get rid of it is to alter the environment in some way.

If it’s an intelligent haunting — a true spirit that seems to behave and react in a way that indicates it has awareness — then there are some things you can try to make it go away.

  • Ignore the ghost. Like most people apparitions probably go away when ignored.  Sometimes, however, this backfires and the ghostly activity increases because the spirit wants more attention.
  • Use humour. Since fear is your biggest enemy in these cases, try injecting some light humour. Most people have a sense of humour including the dead ones.
  • Listen and learn. Perhaps the spirit is trying to tell you something or communicate. Try to find out what that might be and do your best to resolve it.
  • Tell the ghost to leave. This tactic very often works quite well, especially when the time is taken to explain how and why having her stick around bothers bothers everyone and increases their stress. Like most living people, most ghosts are reasonable. This might even work in the case that the entities are interdimensional beings or time travellers; if they’re aware of you, they might listen.

If you feel that you have a real genuine Shadow Person, one important factor to stress is that you do not try to do this alone. Get some help, preferably from someone who has some real experience in these matters. There is no way to prove or disprove any theories about a phenomenon that is so mysterious, that happens so quickly and without warning.  Science finds it virtually impossible to catalog or study such phenomena in any methodical way. All we can do, at present, is to document personal experiences and try to piece together what the shadow people phenomenon might be. Perhaps it’s an old mystery becoming more recognizable… perhaps it represents a doorway to and from different planes of existence… or perhaps it’s just shadows.

Share your experiences, we would love to hear your stories!