What We Do

What to Expect From Your Local Paranormal Team


(What we actually provide)

You feel uncomfortable, you hear loud noises, you see shadows, maybe even worse – you are being hurt…

So you finally admit, you have a real issue, you search tirelessly for a competent paranormal team with the chops to give you answers and peace. What are you expecting? What services do you need?

  • Full Paranormal Investigations with equipment and investigators that are experienced
  • Mediums or Intuitives
  • Cleansing/blessing services
  • Follow up care/instructions
  • Resources on where to get additional supplies and information

We wanted to compile an explanation of the basics of what our team provides. While we cannot speak to what other teams may offer, the following will be a description of what you can expect when Sacramento Paranormal Intuitive Research Investigation Team (“S.P.I.R.I.T.”) comes out!

Realistically we cannot fix EVERY single issue someone may experience, but we can get you on the right track and 9 times out of 10 we are able to fully rectify most paranormal concerns from cranky earth bound spirits, to incubi, to demonics and much more. Our services include a full scientific paranormal investigation with a variety of equipment that measures a plethora of environmental factors and narrows down the source of a potential haunting – or allows for some of it to be explained with causes that are more normal. We use photography and videography to determine if there are visual anomalies out of the natural realm. Often we will take digital voice recordings or use the Spirit Box to communicate in order to determine the nature of the haunting. We also provide intuitives and mediums onsite to provide their perspective and help validate what you are experiencing – and often connect you with other information you did not expect.

Once we have documented thoroughly and have a distinct idea of the type and strength of the entity(ies), we can provide an intensive house blessing/individual blessing of family members. This includes a variety of tools and materials from several different backgrounds and practices – we tailor it based on the type of activity you have and the type of spiritual or religious preferences you have. One of our go to items is Holy Water from the Grotto at Lourdes, France. We go through each room of your home and often outside as well, to hit all angles of the haunting to remove every bit we can and lock down the protective energy in your space, so only the light energy remains. With our cleansings, any POSITIVE loving energy you have in the home, family members “visiting”, angelic protection, etc, STAYS, that type of energy is never removed when we bless your space. So if you still have light activity but it feels friendly, it’s likely nothing to fear. Additionally, if any members of your family or roommates are intuitive or spiritually gifted, know that will draw in energy/spirits. Learning how to ground, protect, and safely explore gifts is paramount in those cases. Mediums, Indigo Children, Clairvoyant individuals etc., are lighthouses to the other side.


Once complete we might also advise on follow up services you can find in the local healing community that will continue your personal healing journey after enduring a difficult haunting. This might include massage, reiki, counseling, yoga, meditation, prayer, grounding classes and so forth. We also may provide you with follow up/after care instructions that should be followed ardently – this includes purchasing cleansing/blessing products and seeking out necessary healing services. While we remove most, if not all energy from a space, there is always the potential for new issues or relapses due to many factors (negative people in the home, people dabbling with the occult, aggressive entities, inadvertently welcoming energy in, being a medium without protective tools, etc.). Therefore, you as the client must be empowered and educated on ways to keep the positive energy that we re-install back into the home. You may be asked to do refresher cleansings or other personal balancing in order to continue to have success. We are willing to provide follow up visits and consultations as well to continue the healing process. This is something we consider to be a team effort. Without full family participation and a dedication to retaining positive energy, no team can guarantee full success. You are just as important to our work as we are… and we love that… because it is your home, and we desire to return it happily to you.

We are always available to call or email for extra advice, opinions, consultations and ways to continue the healing – we are here to support your journey back to a quiet and peaceful existence!

It is fine to ask for more information and guidance – we are more than happy to answer questions. There does come a time where we hope you are taking full responsibility for your space and keeping up positive energy, as we cannot be the only source of healing, that ultimately belongs to you and we love to see you invested in that process. More than three (3) visits we will start to look for ways that the healing is not being worked through and advise on additional resources beyond what SPIRIT has in its tool box. We never leave you with out information and direction. Once you are our client, we find you answers. Most cases are rectified in one visit with general aftercare. About 1 in 50 cases requires a second visit, which is absolutely understandable.

Any client that will not fulfill their part of the duties and responsibilities will be lovingly advised and guided to participate in proper after care for ultimate success.

As this is done on a volunteer and donation only basis, our time and materials must be utilized throughout the community. We need dedicated participation from our amazing clients in order to heal as many as possible.

Again, most of the time, we can come in and settle things down quickly and effectively. Just know, that there are those cases that require extra modalities of healing, and intense commitment by you as the client as well. No two cases are alike – all very unique … we strive to tailor all services to your specific needs. We are on this journey together – and we cannot wait to facilitate healing for you and find you the answers that give you peace of mind and guide you towards a balanced home with nothing that upsets or disturbs your tranquility!

For those of you outside our geographical service area or wanting to fully take charge yourself, we do have ‘Ways to Cleanse your home’ document on our website for detailed instructions.

Cannot wait to be of service to you all! Thank you for being part of our journey!