Refresher Cleansing & Removal Of Negative Energy Sent By The Living (or dead)


Use this if you are dealing with energy sent by a living human or PK manifestation from a living person. Other instructions apply for general refresher cleansings.

Supply list:

Small white, black and red candles
Incense (Frankincense & Myrrh or Sandalwood) Sage & Palo Santo or Cedar
Holy water or holy oil
Sea salt or Pink Himalayan salt

Begin with opening a few windows and a door or two if you can, to allow any entities or energies to EXIT during the cleansing. Start at the front door and move clockwise through the entire house for each stage of the cleansing.

Light a white, black & red candle together (these are the specific colors for reversal of energy) along with frankincense & myrrh incense asking for light and Divine energy to return around the home and the family. Do Not blow them out. If you must extinguish them for any reason, snuff it with a snuffer or spoon. Blowing it out blows away the energy you are putting into the cleansing. Tell ALL energy that is unjust, harmful, sent in anger or malice immediately be returned to its sender/origin and that no darkness may dwell in the space. Show no anger or fear – simply be firm and assertive that your space is only for positive and light energy. Ask that all earth bound spirits be released and that they have no place in the home. Command all Dark energy sent with ill intent be removed and sent back. With spirits or positive energy, you never “command” … only use that terminology when you are requiring dark, harmful energy to exit your space.

Take Holy Water or oil and anoint each member of the family for protection. Then go to each door and window with the Holy Water and anoint the doorway and windowpane with a small drop of the Holy Water.

Starting at the front door, open it and leave it open during the smudging – go through the entire house, in a clockwise direction, getting into every corner and space (closets and cabinets), with either Palo Santo, Sage or Cedar (any combination thereof). Light the herbs or wood and blow them out to produce a healthy amount of smoke. While you are smudging, continue to set boundaries with the other side and ask for healing light to replace all dark energy, command dark intent to leave and return to sender.

If you are comfortable with any prayers you may add those – or scripture if desired. Psalm 91 is one of the best protection scriptures and the Prayer of St. Michael as well.

Optional – Salt every door threshold and windowsill with Pink Himalayan sea salt or White Sea salt. A small dusting/line is fine. This is always done after the smudge.

Intent is always KEY in these blessings. Even refresher cleansings meant to add protection after a full blessing has been done. Your desire to reclaim your space is always the most powerful, even more so than what anyone else can do.

When it comes to energy sent by a living human out of malice, often more refreshers may be required. As they are still actively sending it … the walls must be kept up ardently.


  1. Hi Wendy! Do you have any suggestions for working with evil coworkers? Thanks! Cindy

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    • Actually yes. Energy boundaries can be set anywhere. Placing crystals such as black tourmaline with selenite & maybe some Rose Quartz in your cube, using uplifting or calming essential oils on the body (YL’s lavender, valor, stress away, palo Santo, frankincense, all can help). Envisioning a large bubble around ones cubical. Green plants help. Placing mirrors pointing out to ‘reflect’ things away …. just don’t point them at each other lol !!

      Those are some ideas.


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