Reasons Why Gifted People Should Follow Their Abilities

The following document is from a Christian or Catholic perspective and for those with blessings/gifts that struggle with judgements or fears from their faith base. This document was created through extensive discussions and research within the Christian faith community and those with the qualifications to make the analysis below.

The argument of Deuteronomy warning of Wizards, witches and so forth is based on historical facts of that time – discussing those that practice Polytheistic practices (worshiping multiple Gods or themselves); additionally there are warnings of those that swindle or take advantage. What the warnings are about are those that either say they are speaking the Word but are distinctly not or are manipulating others with the hope of profit or personal gain, not a desire to help, heal or speak messages from the Divine or be instruments of peace. The historical reference is clear; it was a different time and society, where there was a great deal of religious upheaval and just as many false prophets or swindlers as in today’s time. Those that did not praise God for messages or prophecies or plain lied to people by giving them “messages” and then essentially robbing them of their money is where the problem was. Other portions of Deuteronomy then go on to speak of Prophets ….

17 The LORD said to me: “What they say is good. 18 I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites, and I will put my words in his mouth. He will tell them everything I command him. 19 I myself will call to account anyone who does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name.

Information I have obtained from a respected ordained minister (theological degrees, Masters in Divinity, etc.) within our denomination had the following to say (paraphrased) regarding me questioning my gifts, and the “why me”, “did God choose me”, “why are people judging me” questions…

Her edited message in part:

Read any of the prophets, and you have biblical affirmation of your gifts. It is arrogant and small-minded for anyone to claim God is not continuing to work through prophets today. Do they really want to claim that they know what God is doing today and say what God can’t do?

1Cor. 12 Paul speaks of the gifts of the spirit and names, utterance of knowledge, wisdom, the gift of prophecy and working miracles, speaking in tongues, interpreting tongues, discerning spirits. Since we worship this same Spirit today, these gifts continue to be bestowed on people today. You are expressing these gifts, given to you by God to serve God. As the UCC say, God is still speaking–through intuition, dreams, visions, “hunches.”

Is. 6–he has a vision that is pretty far out! He saw and spoke to the Seraphim, and was given messages and hope.

Isaiah is full of “oracles” which had to have come from visions and prophetic intuitive sensing.

If Jeremiah could be gifted as a prophet before he was born as a way that God works (Jer. 1:4) why not you? Obviously for reasons we may never know God chooses some to have the gifts you manifest. And yes, there are “false prophets” but in every case, their lies further their own agenda, rather than addressing righteousness and justice. If your knowing furthers love and justice, it is of God, I believe.

The prophets are always saying, “the word of the Lord came to me…” That is what happens to you.

Imagine Ezekiel and the dry bones (Ez. 37) or his vision of the chariot (Ez. 1). You know most people must have thought HE was crazy and possessed!

Then there is Jonah who had the gift and tried to run away from God and not use it.

Consider Samuel’s calling, paranormal by every standard–hearing voices?? (1 Sam. 3)

It is hard to get biblical literates to accept that God still works in these miraculous ways today, but we have different ways to view it because of science and education. You will likely not convince everyone, but hopefully this makes you feel even better and more confident about it in your own soul.

These words from my trusted source who has far more religious and theological knowledge and studies under her belt that most of those people you encounter that will pass snap judgements hopefully are helpful. Those that criticize your choice to follow divine gifts are in fact violating another scripture – ‘Just not lest ye be judged’.

I feel I’d be denying my God if I DIDN’T follow his command to use my gifts. How could I dare question his intent to use me?

I think there are indeed “chosen” people to pass on messages of healing. What we do is offer peace of mind – and strengthening of faith – some of our clients end up realizing there IS a beyond, therefore there is a God & Heaven… that is huge. They realize a lot in that moment, that our souls are real, sin does have consequence, their loved ones do go somewhere Good and are safe, Angels exist, healing is possible, we are NOT ALONE, there is hope. This is what I believe God is calling us to do… pass this hope on to others. Sometimes just hearing from a loved one, or knowing their future is safer and brighter than they originally thought is all they need to continue on and reaffirm their faith in Him. Never once have we inappropriately taken from, used, lied to, mislead a client. We have never touted WE are the source – I know for a fact I’ve always acknowledged that I am not in control of this, that when I’m meant to “tune in”

it is because of pure Divine inspiration and His will. So when people want to question you – perhaps ask them when they were told they could speak on the behalf of God. Nobody has all the answers – but I am sure, deep in my heart, we are doing good works, in His name.


  1. Excellent article! The information provided is both accurate, and current. A Lot of people including myself felt isolated, where afraid to reveal their gifts, or suppressed them. From a Christians standpoint, this article reaffirms what’s already has been mentioned in the Bible, and is just as valid in today’s world, as it was thousands of years ago!


  2. Excellent article! The information provided is both accurate, and current. A Lot of people including myself felt isolated, were afraid to reveal their gifts, or suppressed them. From a Christian’s standpoint, this article reaffirms what’s already has been mentioned in the Bible, and is just as valid in today’s world, as it was thousands of years ago!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Alberto! Jesus was the most gifted and believed in us. We have been given his gifts and we are supposed to use them. Folks need to really read their Bible. We have to heal and help. It is our job.


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